
Showing posts from September, 2021

Are You Safe from Catalytic Converter Theft? by Beachside Auto in Hermosa Beach

It’s happening all over America. Thieves are climbing under cars and in less than five minutes, they are using basic tools like wrenches and electric saws to remove the catalytic converter from your car’s exhaust system. Later when you  return to your car and start it up, you know something is wrong  because you hear a terrible revving noise that sounds like your car is more ready for a car race track than to take you around town to run errands. Catalytic converter theft is currently a major problem all over the country. Research shows that the Toyota Prius is the most at risk for catalytic converter theft, but it can happen to almost any vehicle. It is estimated that over 25 thousand vehicles in America have had their catalytic converters stolen over the past decade, so these numbers prove that this problem is one that should be on your radar. This kind of theft can cost you not only time for repairs but big bucks too, anywhere in the $1000 to $3000 range. You may be wonderin...