
Showing posts from June, 2021

You talkin' to Me? What your brakes have to say!

  Are your car’s brakes talking to you? If you are hearing noises when you brake, pay close attention! Your car is trying to get your attention. Do you hear squealing or grinding sounds? You may need to come to Beachside Auto to find out if there is a problem! Disc and drum brakes Disc brakes use a brake pad that wears down over time. Drum brakes are curved shoe that presses against a hollow drum. Both types need regular inspection and maintenance to make sure you are safe! Sometimes brakes can have worn down pads, dust or sand in them, moisture or oil, or problems caused by weather. If you are feeling a difference in the way your car brakes or you are hearing new noises, Beachside Auto can help.   What happens if you ignore the sounds your car is making when you brake? Ignoring the warning signs your car is giving you is not advised! Brake pads are a simple fix compared to brakes that have been used too long beyond the life of the brake pad and start to grind metal-on-metal. ...

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 Did you know you can find us  online by using our hashtag #beachsideautohb ? We are currently on: Twitter, Pinterest,  Facebook, LinkedIn,  Instagram, and other sites too! Follow us!